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strawberry sorbet
129 Watchers500 Deviations


1 min read
Hey! Zapraszam do odwiedzenia mojej oficjalnej strony internetowej :)   -
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Wow! I have never though about that I could get the DD! I'm so excited! :dance: That makes me want to work!
Thank you very much SylwiaTelari and Astralseed I really appreciate it :)

Gosh! I'm so happy! :dance:
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Koniec swiata!

2 min read
Tak więc dziś miałam dość shizowy sen o końcu świata i zaświatach ^^;
Wyglądało to tak, że mieszkałam razem ze znajomymi i rodzinką w niewielkiej kamieniczce w Gdańku. No i przez jakiś czas akcja się tam działa, ale to w sumie jest nieważne ^^; Nagle słońce zaczęło tak palić, że wszyscy zaczęliśmy się smażyć. Było tak gorąco, że nie dało się oddychać, a każdy dotyk był cholernie bolesny. No, ale słońce ustąpiło i myśleliśmy, że już po wszystkim, więc ucieszyliśmy się, że będziemy żyć. Wyglądaliśmy przez okno i machaliśmy sąsiadom z radości, kiedy nagle na niebie ukazał się wielki prostokąt w czarną, grubą kratę z kółkiem pośrodku, którym ukazany był profil niewyraźnej postaci. Raptownym ruchem twarz odwróciła się w naszą stronę i piskliwym głosem zaczęła krzyczeć. Obraz stał się czarno-biały, zaszumiało mi w głowie i upadłam. Obudziłam się w jakimś dziwnym pomieszczeniu razem z innymi ludźmi. Stała tam kobieta, która popędzała nas by wstać i ogarnąć się. Przy okazji poinformowała nas, że jesteśmy w zaświatach i nauczy nas jak się w nich poruszać. Generalnie zaświaty wyglądały prawie identycznie jak za życia, z niewielkimi zmianami w języku i kulturze, no i może trochę przestrzeni... Biegałam po starówce gdańskiej z kilkoma jeszcze osobami i chciałam znaleźć moją rodzinę. Dopytałam się kogoś czy mój dom nadal tu jest, odpowiedź dostałam potwierdzającą jego istnienie, jednak nie będę mogła go znaleźć, tak samo jak rodziny...

Potem obudził mnie sms :P

Powiem szczerze, że cały dzień czułam się dziwnie... Jest to mój 3 raz jak umarłam w śnie i jest to jeden z tych niewielu snów, które tak mnie poruszają. Ten jeszcze w dodatku lekko mnie przeraża :P Nie mogę wymazać z pamięci tej krzyczącej mordy... Ugh... :fear:
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Taken from :D

ONE - Spell your name without vowels: W xD
TWO - Are you single?: :heart:
THREE - Whats your favorite number?: I think it's 8, it looks like a snowman ^^
FOUR - What color do you wear most?: Green, red, brown and black
FIVE - Least favorite color?: Green ^^
SIX - Favorite candy?: Icecream ^^
SEVEN - What do you smoke?: smoke? ummm... I don't smoke anyting...
EIGHT - Are you happy with your life right now?: I tkink yes :)
NINE - Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?: Hmm... Hermione ^^;
TEN - What is your favorite class in school?: Hmm... Graphic class :D
ELEVEN - Do you shop at hollister/DC/Bluenotes?: um... no ^^;
TWELVE - How do you make money?: It's magic! They are always in my pocket! :D
THIRTEEN - Who is your best friend?: There are many good friends :)
FOURTEEN - Where do you go to school?: I'm going to study in Academy of Arts :aww:
FIFTEEN - Are you outgoing?: Hmmm... Not really... but I'm trying!
SIXTEEN - One word to describe you?: Optimist
SEVENTEEN - Favorite pair of shoes?: Stilettoes :aww:
EIGHTEEN - Do you own big sunglasses?: No.
NINETEEN - Where do you wish you were right now?: Barcelona!
TWENTY - What should you be doing right now?: I'm going for some icecream :)
TWENTY ONE - Do you have a crush on anyone right now?: Umm... yeah xd

Honestly, what's on your mind right now?: I'm hungry...
Honestly, what are you doing right now?: Nothing at all... I'm just bored...
Honestly, have you done something bad today?: Nope, I'm a good girl :aww:
Honestly, do you watch disney channel?: Nope.
Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone?: Mom xd
Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?: One girl from my dream ^^;
Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time?: Smacking >.<
Honestly, do you bite your nails?: Noooo!
Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment?: Umm... Yeah, but it's not possible right now ^^;
Honestly, are you keeping a big secret right now?: Many.
Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like?: Mm... Nope.

Can you blow a bubble?: Yuk! No!
Can you dance?: I love dancing! Most contemporary :)
Can you do a cart wheel?: Um... What?
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: I never tried ^^;
Can you whistle?: Yes ^^
Can you wiggle your ears?: No
Can you wiggle your nose?: Yes :)
Can you roll your tongue?: Yeah :D
Can you make a clover with your tongue?: Only when my mouth is closed...

What do you do when you're mad?: I kill people in my mind... Joke :D
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad?: Scream and swear to my friend ^^;
Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?: I think no...

Ever really cried your heart out?: Umm... Yes...
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes...
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Nope...
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: No ^^;
Ever cried over the same sex?: Em... no
Do you cry when you get an injury?: It depend on the level of pain ^^;
Do certain songs make you cry?: hehe... yeah.
Do certain movies make you cry?: Yop.

Are you usually a happy person?: Yeah :)
What makes you the happiest?: My friends and my dog :aww:
Does being with your friends make you happy?: Yes :)
Do you believe in yourself?: Not at all...
Do you wish you were happier?: There are some things which can make me happier.
Is being happy overrated?: Nooo! Being happy is the best thing in the world! :)
Can music make you happy?: Always :)

How many times have you had your heart broken?: mmm... Once, I think...
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: Yes.
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'I love you'?: No...

Do you actually hate anyone?: Hmm... I just don't like some person, but it's not a hate
Have you ever been on a hit list?: Mmm... I don't know ^^;
Are you a mean bully?: Umm... No... I think ^^;
Do you hate George Bush?: Em... No?

Is your self-esteem extremely low?: Hmm... It's low
Do you think you're good looking?: Hmm... Yes, I think :P
Do you wish you could be someone else?: Mmm... Yes

What is your current hair color?: Brown.
Current piercings?: Only for earrings.
Have any tattoos?: No.
Straight hair or curly?: Curly xd

What shirt are you wearing?: Right now? I wear a dress xd
Necklace(s)?: Nope.
Shoes?: Barefoot ^^

Hugged someone?: Yeah! ^^
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: Once :D
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?: Umm.. Not that hard :D
Laughed so hard you cried?: Many times :D
Got in a fight with someone?: Emm... No ^^;

Person you talked to in person?: My brother
Person you talked to online?: Agata W. xd
Person you hugged?: My mom ^^

Do you like surveys?: Good to pass the time.
Do you get along with your parents?: Yes ^^ They are great
Do you have mental breakdowns?: Sometimes...

Current mood: Neutral.
Current music: Porcupine Tree - Baby Dream in Cellophane :)
Current hair style: Loose.
Current crush: wut?
Current thing I ought to be doing: Nothing! It's holliday! :D
Current windows open: Google Chrome, Windows Media Player and Tlen
Current desktop picture: Emma Watson :heart:

Did you ever get into a fist fight in school?: No.
Did you ever run away from home?: No.
Did you ever want to be a doctor?: No.
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: No.

Do you know how to swim?: Love swimming ^^
Do you like roller coasters?: um... no, but I will xd
Do you own a bike?: Yes.
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: I don't know ^^;

Does hair loss run in your family at all?: Umm... Yes, but it don't applies to female part :D
Does your car get good gas mileage?: My Micra is great ^^
Does your family have family picnics?: Long time ago...

Have you ever been on a plane?: Yes :D Many times ^^
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Hmmm... I don't remember...
Have you ever painted your nails?: When I was drawing my hand, yes xd

How tall are you?: Umm... Only 165cm ^^;
How much money do you have on you right now?: Hmm... 5,20zł (it's a little bit more than 1euro ^^; )

Last person you hung out with?: My brother xd
Last thing someone said to you?: Are you hungry?
Last thing you said out loud?: No, thanks mom xd

What are you listening to?: Massive Attack ft. Shinead O'connor - What Your Soul Sings (I love it!)
What is the weather outside?: Night.
What radio station do you listen to?: 3 and RMF FM
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Manekin - they make great pancakes!
What was the last thing you had to drink?: Water...
What was the last movie you watched?: Harry Potter - the last part
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1 min read
Happy New Year everybody :)
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Artituti by Bziulka, journal

Daily Deviation! by Bziulka, journal

Koniec swiata! by Bziulka, journal

Devious Journal Entry by Bziulka, journal

2010/11 by Bziulka, journal